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Ensure Seamless Live Load Transitions with Power Monitoring

As data centers face the drive for greater power density and optimization fueled by AI, the need for frequent changes to the power distribution architecture becomes increasingly critical. These adaptations can include load consolidation, the... Read More

Packet Power's EMX 4.0 Released

Introducing: EMX 4.0 Monitoring just got even easier. Packet Power's EMX software has always given you instant access to customizable real-time and historical power and environmental monitoring information. EMX 4.0 makes that process even more... Read More
City Skyline with Green Space--ESG Benchmarking

Benchmark ESG Goals for Energy with Submetering

With the signs of climate change everywhere and energy prices widely expected to continue increasing, people are looking for more ways than ever to optimize their current power infrastructure to minimize costs, cut carbon emissions, and improve... Read More

Lower Real Estate Energy Costs by Submetering Electricity

Retrofitting a multi-tenant building (or collection of buildings) with a wireless circuit monitoring system can pay for itself in less than a year. The ROI improves even more if your energy provider uses flex pricing and charges more for power... Read More

Data Center Challenges and Branch Circuit Power Monitoring

The latest survey of data center operators shows the biggest challenges the industry is facing. The Uptime Institute aggregated answers from hundreds of digital infrastructure managers worldwide. Here are the things they say are top of mind: Read More

Largest Wireless DC Power Monitoring Deployment in the World

In late 2019, as the global Covid pandemic was about to explode, a Fortune 100 telecommunications company engaged Packet Power to solve a critical problem: provide real-time visibility into their Direct Current (DC) power distribution architecture... Read More

Preparing for Data Center Liquid Cooling Upgrades

Although liquid cooling is already widely used in many data centers, further expansion of the practice is coming fast. A market study in Asia predicts 31% growth in the liquid cooling market through 2027. This boom echoes the literal buzz being... Read More
Current Transducer

Current Transducers: Split Core, Solid Core, and Why You Should Care

Current Transducers are a key component of every power monitoring system. If you have ever wondered why they are used or how they work, here's a quick review of alternating current transducer basics. Read More

Smart Monitoring Solutions for Smart Manufacturing

In manufacturing, efficiency is the name of the game. Factory operators seeking to maximize production uptime and reduce costs need precise data (both real-time and aggregated) to optimize operations. If you are going to make progress with... Read More

AI Increasing Demand on Energy Efficient Data Centers

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries and at a cost for data centers: a substantial increase in energy consumption. AI relies on deep learning and neural networks, demanding massive computational resources. To meet these... Read More