Energy Benchmarking
You can't manage what you don't measure
Energy costs are a significant portion of a facility's operating budget. Energy benchmarking shows the energy use of a single facility over time, a facility's use relative to similar facilities, or a facility's use compared to a desired standard. Packet Power's wireless monitors can be used throughout a facility -- from the utility feeds down to an individual piece of equipment -- to provide the information needed to make improvements and quantify the resulting energy savings.
Packet Power helps save money
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Monitoring made easy
Wireless power and environmental monitors anywhere you need them
Ethernet Gateway automatically collects monitoring data
Packet Power's wireless power and environmental monitors deliver actionable insights

Multi-circuit power monitors
- Simple way to monitor high energy load equipment
- Built to your specifications
- Cut installation time in half

Smart Power Cables
- Can be used with any device with a plug
- Simple "plug and play" installation means no electricians required
- Captures energy information in real-time

EMX Energy Portal Software
- Instant access to monitoring data at a fraction of the cost and complexity
- Real-time and historical power information
- Built in reports and email alerts
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